Residency Verification
Encinitas Residents
Encinitas and Cardiff residents are eligible to receive the resident rate and 9 days advance booking. Follow steps to verify residency through the FREE ID.me verification portal. Once verified, proceed with the tee time booking process as a resident.
Steps For Verification and Booking
- CLICK HERE to the tee time booking page for residents to start the verification process.
- Follow prompts to log in or set up an account with ID.me.
- For new accounts, use the email on file with JC Golf (and associated with your JC Players Card if applicable). If you are unsure of your email address on file, a pro shop staff member can look up your account.
- Once you are logged in and verified, proceed with the tee time booking process.
- For future tee times, sign in to your ID.me account and proceed.

A reduced resident rate for green fees and nine days advance booking.
One year. Each year, the verification will expire and the process will repeat.
Yes, other residents in the group may also get the discounted resident green fees by registering through the ID.me process.
No, residents CANNOT book for non-residents using the 9 day advance privilege.
The rate and advanced booking is reserved for Encinitas residents only. If a player’s email is not verified as a resident, they will be prompted to choose a different rate class.
*JC Golf reserves the right to revoke the Encinitas resident booking privileges if the resident repeatedly books tee times for non-residents and does not show up for the round.
The reservation will be canceled and none of the players in the group may use the tee time.*
At check-in, the non-residents will be charged the rate associated to their account and will be charged the $25 advance booking fee for non-residents.
*JC Golf reserves the right to revoke the Encinitas resident booking privileges if the resident repeatedly books tee times for non-residents and does not show up for the round.
Yes, dependent children of a verified resident that are under the age of 18 may qualify for the advance booking and discounted rate. Parent must be present at check-in and show a valid ID.
JC Juniors would not receive the JC Junior rate; they would receive the resident rate.
Yes, you can be verified as a resident and a JC Player in your JC Golf account. You will be able to book tee times for either player type with the email associated with your account. To book a tee time as a JC Player, log into the JC Player booking page. If either of your accounts expire, you will default to the public player type.
Yes, after you are verified, your account will include both player types and allow you to book tee times as a resident or JC Player. To receive resident benefits, log into the Residents booking page and proceed.
If you are still unable to book a tee time as a resident, log out of your account, and log back in as a resident.
Yes, go to the Encinitas Resident Tee Time Booking page from jcgolf.com.
Click Verify with ID.me and follow the prompts to log in or verify your residency.
For new accounts, ID.me will do an Identity Verification – the methods used are Telecom, DL, Passport, Passport Card. Second, you will prove your residency and ID.me would then tie that credential to your verified identity – the methods used are: S. State Driver’s License, Insurance Document for Home/Vehicle/Rental, Property Deed/Title, Rental Lease Agreement, Property Tax Bill, Utility Bill.
Follow the prompts, fill in your email and password, and create an ID.me account.
For a video tutorial, CLICK HERE
For visual assistance, CLICK HERE
No, if you have an ID.me account, click sign in to ID.me and the system will automatically push you to residency verification. This will be an “add on” credential that will be tied to your existing verified identity.
- Log into ID.ME
- Click log-in, click the "Forgot Password" link below the log-in screen and follow the instructions.